Brentwood’s reusable face shields aid in protecting the eyes, nose, and mouth from spray and splatter carrying viruses and bacteria. Face shields should be worn in conjuction with a qualifies respirator.
- Align the holes on the visor to the snaps on the headset.
- Snap the visor to the headset.
- Stretch the elastic strap over the head and position on the forehead.
- Remove the face shield from the person.
- Detach the visor from the headset.
- Disinfect by following cleaning instructions.
Cleaning Instructions
- Follow the disassembly instructions.
- Saturate a clean cloth with either 70-80% Ethanol, 70-96% Isopropyl Alcohol, or 6-25% Hydrogen Peroxide.
- Wipe the entire visor, headset, and strap with the saturated cloth.
- Allow pieces of face shield to dry completely before following assembly instructions.
If you have questions about the care and cleaning of your reusable face shield, contact our customer service team at faceshields@brentwoodindustries.com!